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IIFT 2024 Courses By Padho Leekho

IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade) conducts an entrance exam for admission to its various management programs, including the Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBA-IB).

The IIFT exam is known for its unique pattern and focuses on assessing a candidate’s aptitude for international business and trade.

 Analysis of the IIFT exam pattern:

  1. Exam Pattern:   

  Sections: The IIFT exam typically consists of four sections.
 Sections include a. Quantitative Ability b. Data Interpretation and Logical               Reasoning c. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension d. General Awareness
  1. Section-Wise Analysis:

Quantitative Ability: This section assesses your mathematical and analytical skills. Questions in this section can vary in difficulty, but some are typically time-consuming. Topics usually include arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistics.

Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning: This section tests your ability to interpret data and make logical deductions. You can expect questions related to data tables, bar graphs, pie charts, and various logical reasoning puzzles.

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: This section evaluates your language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. You can expect questions on grammar, vocabulary, and passages to test your reading and comprehension abilities.

General Awareness: The General Awareness section in IIFT is particularly challenging because it covers a wide range of topics such as current affairs, business, economics, politics, and international trade. It’s important to stay updated with current events to do well in this section.

  1. Marking Scheme:

    IIFT typically follows a varying marking scheme, which means that different questions can carry different weights in terms of marks. Negative marking is also applicable, so it’s important to answer questions cautiously.

  2. Difficulty Level:

    IIFT is known for having a moderately high level of difficulty. It can be more challenging than some other MBA entrance exams, and time management is crucial.

  3. Preparation Tips:

    Start your preparation well in advance, focusing on each section individually. Practice with previous year’s question papers and mock tests to understand the exam pattern. Brush up on your general awareness and stay updated with current affairs. Time management is essential, so practice solving questions within the stipulated time frame.

The IIFT test series are a valuable resource for candidates preparing for the IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade) entrance exam.
It provides a structured and organized approach to exam preparation by offering practice tests and mock exams that simulate the actual test environment.  

ENROLL For IIFT Test Series


Here’s how you can benefit from Padho Leekho IIFT test series:
  1. Assessment of Knowledge and Skills: IIFT test series help assess your knowledge and skills in different sections of the exam, including Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, and General Awareness. This assessment helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Familiarity with Exam Pattern: Taking IIFT test series allows you to become familiar with the exam pattern and question types. This familiarity is crucial in reducing anxiety on the actual exam day.
  3. Time Management: IIFT test series provides a timed environment similar to the actual exam. This helps you practice time management, ensuring that you allocate the right amount of time to each section and complete the test within the allotted time.
  4. Performance Tracking: Test series typically offer detailed performance analysis. You can review your results, identify areas where you need improvement, and track your progress over time.
  5. Question-Level Solutions: Many test series provide detailed solutions for each question. This is invaluable for understanding the correct approach to solving problems and learning from your mistakes.
  6. Ranking and Percentile Predictions: Some test series offer a ranking system and predict your expected percentile based on your performance. This can give you an idea of where you stand compared to other test-takers.
  7. Realistic Practice: The questions and mock exams in the test series aim to replicate the actual IIFT exam, ensuring that you get a realistic practice experience.
  8. Flexibility: Most IIFT test series are available online, allowing you to take them at your convenience. This flexibility is especially helpful for working professionals and students with busy schedules.
When choosing an IIFT test series, consider the following:

ENROLL For IIFT Test Series

  1. Reputation: Look for test series from reputable sources or coaching institutes with a track record of providing quality preparation materials.
  2. Coverage: Ensure that the test series covers all the sections of the IIFT exam and provides a sufficient number of practice tests.
  3. Reviews and Recommendations: Seek feedback from candidates who have previously used the test series to gauge their effectiveness.
  4. Price: Compare the cost of different test series, and choose one that fits your budget.
  5. Additional Resources: Some test series may come with supplementary study materials, which can be beneficial.


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